Press Release The Second Indigenous Summit is to analyze our difficulties and look towards our hopesQuito, July 22, 2004 As the sun began to rise, our wise men (Yachak) lit the sacred fire in a ceremonial act of homage to Pachamama (mother earth), as the Second Continental Summit of Indigenous Pueblos and Nationalities of Abya Yala (the Americas) began to take form. Representatives of 20 countries of the continent, belonging to the pueblos of Mapuche, Aymara, Uro, Quechua, Kichwa, Maya, Guaraní, Pasto, Wayúu, Paez, Huarani, Zaparo, Achuar, Chachi, Secoya, Salasaca, Kitu Kara, Natabuela, Chibuleo, Kañarí, Yine, Manchineri, Matogroso, Pemon, Jivi, Camtsa, and Tacana accepted the greeting of welcome of the organizational representatives which have organized this event, which is so significant for the indigenous people of the continent. Sebastián Manchineri, coordinator of the COICA in his greeting indicated "This encounter is important, we have seen in various corners of the world the fragility, the divisions, the conflicts, and challenges of continuing our way of life. This small and important encounter represents the beginning of a unification among ourselves as pueblos and nationalities; as organizations and persons in solidarity having the same vision of human and environmental equilibrium." Humberto Cholango, president of ECUARUNARI, said: "from the middle of the world -- Ecuador -- we are here to analyze our problems and difficulties and to look toward our hopes, so that we as pueblos can share and be in solidarity within every one of our countries. We are being threatened and are subject to assassination attempts, because of the fragmentation of weak governments on the part of transnationals. Some have said that indigenous movements are a danger to democracy, surely we are a danger to democracy when they exclude and refuse to listen to us." After the inaugural act, the group which will direct the summit was formed, the very same put together for Mesoamerica: Geovani Yule, Miguel Palacin, Martha Orozo; for North America: Tupak Enrique, Acosta Taña Tierra, David Luján; for the organizers: Leonidas Iza, president of the CONAIE, and Sebastián Manchineri, coordinator of COICA. In accordance with the schedule of events, in the morning will be developed conferences on the following themes: Lands, Territories, and Natural Resources; Autonomy, and Free Determination; Diversity, Plurinationality, and Sustainable Development; Rights of Pueblos; Nationalities and Social Movements within the Social Forum; Militarization; and Women in the Construction of a Plurinational State. In the afternoon will occur a march in the main streets of Quito, to spread awareness of this important Summit which reunites the indigenous pueblos of the continent.
Sebastián Machineri Leonidas Iza
Julio Matovelle No 1 28, entre Vargas y Pasaje San Luis
Edificio El Conquistador 1er piso
Telephone: (593-2) 2580 700
Fax: ( 593-2) 2580 713
House of Ecuarunari: (593-2) 3227255
Cellular: 098315196