ANPE Photo/ Rodrigo Buendia |
Second Continental Summit of Indigenous Pueblos and Nationalities
of Abya Yala (the Americas) In completion of the results of
the First Summit of Indigenous Pueblos held in October of 2000 in Mexico
and ratified at the Continental Encounter Against the FTAA held in Quito
during October of 2002, during the 21-25 of July will occur the Second
Continental Summit of Indigenous Pueblos and Nationalities of Abya
Yala (the Americas). This event will be undertaken under the mark
of the First Social Forum of the Americas (Foro
Social de las Américas -- FSA).
The Second Summit will be a space of debate and encounter for the revitalization
of Indigenous Pueblos and Nationalities, and as such strengthen the global
struggle, the Social Forum of the Americas, and the World Social Forum.
- Kito Declaration (July 25, 2004)
- The Indigenous Summit discusses proposals
(Article, By Jairo Rolong, Ecuarunari, Minga Informativa, Quito, July
24, 2004)
- Indigenous People of Latin America Declare
Support for Venezuela's Chavez (By Robin Nieto - Venezuelanalysis.com,
Saturday, Jul 24, 2004)
- Indigenous peoples of the continent move
forward in the creation of plurinational states (Article, By Jairo
Rolong, Ecuarunari, Minga Informativa, Quito, July 23, 2004)
- Militarization in Latin America: Latin
America under the Gun: Indigenous delegates describe militarization
and ‘paramilitariazation’ (By Robin Nieto, July 23,
- The Ceremony of Sacred Fire (July
22, 2004)
- The Second Indigenous Summit is to analyze
our difficulties and look towards our hopes (Press release, Quito,
July 22, 2004)
- LOOK Latest
Information LOOK (12 de julio 2004)
- Cumbre Indígena mostrará la lucha
de los pueblos en imágenes (Quito, julio 20/04, Patricio
Zhingri T., Ecuarunari, Minga Informativa)
- Pueblos Indígenas hacen frente a
políticas de exterminio (Boletín de prensa, Quito,
20 de julio del 2004)
- De Teotihuacan a Quito (Comunicado de Prensa,
Quito, 6 de julio 2004)
- Comunicación de COICA (8 de julio
- Cumbre de Pueblos Indígenas preámbulo
del Foro Social Americas (Jairo Rolong, Minga Informativa Quito,
24 de junio de 2004)
- Ecuador será sede de la Cumbre Continental
de los Pueblos Indígenas (Quito, 19/03/04. Patricio Zhingri